Shocking Last Days Bible Prophecy Secrets Uncovered ... Just As Foretold

Shocking Last Days Bible Prophecy Secrets Uncovered ... Just As Foretold

Shocking Last Days Bible Prophecy Secrets Uncovered ... Just As Foretold

If you know Bible Prophecy, you know that it was foretold that the truth was not only hidden by God in verses like Proverbs 25:2, Matthew 11:25 and II Thessalonians 2:11, but also that the truth would be discovered in the End Times as it say in Daniel 12:4, Luke 12:2 and elsewhere. What if that truth was quietly being revealed, right now, unbeknownst to most of the world? Would you be ready for it? Would you listen? Well, get ready to learn what the world never known...until now. Dr. Scott McQuate

For more than 2000 years, Muslims, Christians and others have been waiting for secret truth to be revealed at the 'time of the End' or 'End Times'. In once, religious leaders happen to be searching for the truth within the primeval texts, including the Bible, by using techniques of interpretation called 'Exegesis'. Unbeknownst to those same leaders, however, their systems have been intentionally flawed from finding the truth, to keep them. This is where the extraordinary and prophetic work of Dr. Scott McQuate comes into play.

For tens of thousands of hours over the last 15 years, Dr. Scott McQuate has been tirelessly piecing together the historical, hidden puzzle of Last Days truth by using highly-specialized techniques of exegesis he has developed, that empower the 'unfolding' of the ancient languages. These languages range from the Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and others, as well as that of the Sumerian Cuneiform and largely forgotten by religious leaders, the oldest of all ancient languages that has been overlooked.
The end result of Dr. McQuate's highly-acclaimed work is a wonderful Mosaic of scintillating, never-before-seen truth, corroborated by the historical texts, including the Bible, that unveils crucial information that's never been available until now. Throughout his many works, you will learn many secrets including the mind-blowing real events of the Garden in Eden, The truth about the mysterious Tetragrammaton YHWH (it will not mean Jehovah!), The Tribulation, The Rapture, The identity of Elohiym, The incredible significance of many narratives including the Ark of the Covenant, Noah's Ark, The Tablets of Law, Jacob's Birthright, The Water Turned into Wine and hundreds of more subjects such as the location of Hell, The Islamic black block called the Kaaba and its link to Christianity, The Return of Christ, The Star Wormwood, The Fallen Angels, Saturn and Planet X, also known as Nibiru to the ancients. Additionally you will discover how all of those matters are inextricably linked to and expose, the secrets of human genetic code that Dr. McQuate has meticulously uncovered from beneath the narratives of the Bible and other historical texts. End Times

The To learn the fascinating, jaw-dropping truth that has been concealed from the world for thousands of years and which is not available from another source on the planet (ensured), read any of Dr. McQuate's riveting, highly-acclaimed and prophetic works by clicking the link below; and get ready to start your journey into the truth, just as foretold.